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Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin Wan - Five Ingredients Form - 五味消毒飲丸

Artikelnummer: 9059
€ 7,00 (inclusief BTW/VAT)

Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin Wan - Five Ingredients Form - 五味消毒飲丸

Actions: Clears fire, resolves toxins, cools blood, and disperses swelling.

Herba Taraxaci 36% Flos Lonicerae 25% Flos Chrysanthemi Indici 15% Herba Violae 12% Radix Semiaquilegiae 12%

主要成份: 蒲公英,金银花, 野菊花,紫花地丁, 紫背天葵子。
Pu Gong Ying, Jin Yin Hua, Ye Ju Hua, Zi Hua Di Ding, Zi Bei Tian Kui Zi.

CN-用法与用量: 口服,成人每日三次,每次八丸。
GB-Recommended use: Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.
NL-Aanbevolen gebruik: 3 maal daags 8 pillen.
D-Empfohlene Anwendung: 3 mal täglich 8 Tabletten.
FR-Application recommandée: 3 fois par jour 8 comprimés.
IT-Istruzioni per uso: 3 volte al giorno 8 pillole.
ES-Instrucciones de uso: 3 veces al dia, 8 pastillas.

- Consult your herbalist or physician before use it.
- Keep out of reach of children.


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